Patient Stories

Hear how XARELTO® has made a difference for real patients living with DVT. Watch the video below and get to know a little bit about their personal health journeys.

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The doctor told me what basically happened. The blood clot started in my leg and then moved up through my system into my lung.

Hear how a DVT blood clot affected Joe's life.

Share Your Stories

If XARELTO® has made a difference for you or a loved one, consider joining the SHARE Network, a Janssen Global Services, LLC, program, which is made up of volunteers who are dedicated to inspiring others through their personal health journeys and stories of caring. You may also consider sharing your experiences with Janssen CarePath, and/or Janssen Select.

By participating in the SHARE Network, you may have the opportunity to share your story with Janssen employees, other patients, care partners, or the general public. All SHARE Network activities are voluntary and you can always decide if you would like to participate based on your own interest and availability.