XARELTO® helps prevent blood clots in the legs and lungs after knee or hip replacement surgery.
What is XARELTO®?
XARELTO® belongs to a group of medicines called direct oral anticoagulants, or DOACs for short. Like other DOACs, XARELTO® has no known dietary restrictions and no requirements for frequent blood tests.
XARELTO® helps prevent blood clots in the legs and lungs after knee or hip replacement surgery.
XARELTO® has been prescribed more than 80 million times in the US alone.*
*Includes new and refill prescriptions.
How does XARELTO® work?
XARELTO® slows your body's ability to clot by selectively blocking one of the clotting factors found in your blood–an enzyme called Factor Xa ("10a").
Take one 10-mg tablet
once a day, with or without food
Tablets shown not actual size
How do you take XARELTO®?
How can a surgery cause a blood clot?
Knee or hip replacement surgery may help you live a more active, pain-free life. However, like after any surgery, you have an increased risk of getting blood clots in your legs or lungs. Some people are at an even higher risk, based on their medical history, age, and some medications they take. In general, however, there are three reasons that blood has a tendency to form potentially dangerous blood clots after surgery.
1. Your blood flows too slowly through your veins
When your blood flows freely, it mixes with naturally occurring anticoagulants in your blood that help keep it from clotting and keep it flowing smoothly. When you’re not moving around—like after surgery—your blood flow slows down and doesn’t mix with those anticoagulants. This makes blood clots more likely to form.
2. Surgery releases particles into your bloodstream
When you have surgery, it’s possible for small particles of matter like tissue, collagen, or fat to be released into your bloodstream. Your blood will then thicken around these foreign particles. If too many of them clump together, they can form a clot large enough to block blood flow.
3. Your natural blood-clotting processes are more active after surgery
When your surgeon moves soft tissues like ligaments, muscles, or tendons in order to reach the joint being operated on, this sometimes triggers your body to release substances that promote blood clotting. A similar thing happens when a surgeon needs to work with your bones—like when they are preparing the area to receive your new, artificial joint.
Why are blood clots serious?
Are there any side effects associated with XARELTO® in adults?
Side effects of XARELTO®:
Your risk of bleeding increases if you take XARELTO® with other medicines that also increase your risk of bleeding, such as:
Always tell your healthcare professional if you experience any side effects while taking XARELTO®—keeping an open and honest conversation going with your healthcare professional will help you get the best care.