XARELTO withMe Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

You can enroll in XARELTO withMe if you are taking XARELTO® as prescribed for FDA-approved, on-label use. Eligibility for program components may vary.

No, there are no costs or hidden fees to enroll in XARELTO withMe.

As part of our continuing efforts to deliver support that best meets the needs of patients, Janssen is pleased to introduce XARELTO withMe—a customized support experience for patients who are prescribed XARELTO®. XARELTO withMe brings together our patient support resources for XARELTO®—including the Janssen CarePath Savings Program, Janssen Select, and educational content from XARELTO.com.

The new name, XARELTO withMe, reflects Janssen’s commitment to offering a personalized support experience that’s focused on you.

During this transition, you may continue to see the Janssen CarePath name on some resources and communications.

Yes, if you choose, you can sign up at any time of the year. Some cost support options with XARELTO withMe may have varying eligibility dates.

No, you do not need to share your income information to participate in XARELTO withMe.

No, XARELTO withMe helps connect you to cost support options for XARELTO®. It does not take the place of insurance or coverage.

If you are taking XARELTO® as prescribed for FDA-approved, on-label use, you can enroll in XARELTO withMe and sign up to receive educational resources and prescription refill reminders. While XARELTO withMe does not provide cost support if you are uninsured, we can point you in the direction of cost support resources you may be eligible for.

XARELTO withMe Coverage Gap Support is only available in the United States and Puerto Rico. The XARELTO withMe Savings Card is only available in the United States and its territories, including Puerto Rico.

Cost Support Questions

Anyone taking XARELTO® who has government coverage, such as Medicare Part D, or commercial insurance and is being asked to pay more than $89 a month may qualify for XARELTO withMe Coverage Gap Support. See Coverage Gap Support Program Requirements at XARELTO-US.com/CoverageGap.

XARELTO withMe Coverage Gap Support was created to help patients taking XARELTO® address the problem of insurance coverage gaps and is therefore managed and administered outside of your insurance. When you purchase XARELTO® through XARELTO withMe Coverage Gap Support, there is no claim for financial reimbursement from your insurance. The $89 per 30-day supply cost or $250 per 90-day supply cost (plus sales tax if applicable) you pay through XARELTO withMe Coverage Gap Support will not apply to your True Out-of-Pocket (TrOOP) cost, deductibles, or maximum benefit thresholds. However, we ask for your insurance information to notify your insurer that you are still on therapy through XARELTO withMe Coverage Gap Support, so that it can continue medication therapy management programs (if applicable).

For Coverage Gap Support: Yes, you may submit the cost of XARELTO® to a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or a Health Savings Account (HSA). Check with your employer if the cost may be submitted to a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA).

For Savings Card: Yes, you can submit the amount you spend out of pocket for XARELTO® to a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or a Health Savings Account (HSA), but you may not submit the amount paid by the Savings Program for reimbursement.

No, you cannot combine XARELTO withMe Savings Card or XARELTO withMe Coverage Gap Support with any other coupon, discount, prescription savings card, free trial, or other offer.